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Halfway to Halloween is this May! We have a few panels, some information, and entertainment headed your way! Please refer to this page for our programming updates and changes!

Online Marketing and Money -Timothy D. Craggette

Author and marketing expert Timothy D. Craggette will be speaking at our event! If you're an author, crafter, or creator and want to know steps to take to become more successful in your online (and in person) shop, Timothy is your guy! Consider looking at his latest book release "The HOW is the WAY TO MAKE MONEY Online!"


Online and In Person Book Marketing - Brian Paone

Let's get specific! We're all authors, right? Are you selling your books? What's not working? What is? Brian Paone shares some secrets to his success with the help of a few additional guest speakers about what happens after you publish! How do you stand out? What draws people over? Find out at his panel!



We're getting great programming for you!



We're getting great programming for you!

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